Income from the selling of sand and stone resources mining rights is an important source of local fiscal revenue.In the context of the tight supply of sand and stone resources and the sharply rising price in recent years, taking limestone for building stones as an example, the authors analyze the characteristics of the variation of transaction price of mining rights in China and some typical provinces.The main conclusions are that the trend of average transaction price and price of sand and stone resources are all on the rise, and the increase of former is much higher than the latter.The annual variation of the distribution structure of the transaction price is also large, and the annual variation of the average transaction price in different regions is obviously different, which is lower and stable in Guizhou and Gansu and is higher and fluctuant in Shanxi,Jilin, Hubei, and Guangxi.The authors put forward some suggestions from the perspective of preventing the price from increasing too fast, strengthening the construction of mining rights market, improving the supply and demand balance among different regions, and maintaining good order of sand and stone market price.