
    Research on competitive transfer of China's oil and gas mining rights

    • 摘要: 近年来,我国陆续出台多项政策促进石油天然气体制改革。随着改革的推进,油气矿业权出让经历了不同阶段,过去长期采用“申请在先”的出让方式,绝大多数的油气矿业权为中国石油、中国石化、中国海油及延长油田所有,现在逐步转变为面向全社会的“竞争出让”模式。自然资源部组织了多轮次的常规油气、煤层气、页岩气矿业权竞争性出让,设置了不同的比选规则以及企业资质要求,许多社会团体竞得了油气矿业权,得以进入油气勘查开采领域。此外,随着改革的不断深入,为保障国家作为资源所有者的权益,油气矿业权人将不再“无偿取得”矿业权,而是需要交纳出让收益,这成为油气管理改革的重点之一。本文通过梳理多轮次的油气矿业权出让,明确现阶段我国油气矿业权竞争出让特点及存在问题,进而提出完善油气矿业权竞争出让制度的建议。


      Abstract: In recent years, China has issued a number of policies to promote the reform of the oil and gas management.The transfer of oil and gas mining rights has gone through different stages with the advance of the reform.In the past, the transfer of oil and gas mining rights has used the “apply first” method for a long time.Most of the oil and gas mining rights are owned by CNPC, Sinopec, CNOOC and Yanchang oilfield.The transfer method is gradually shifting to a competitive model facing the whole society now.The Ministry of Natural Resources has organized multiple rounds of competitive transfer of conventional oil and gas, coalbed methane, and shale gas mining rights.These transfers have set up different comparison rules and requirements of corporate qualification.Many social groups have won the oil and gas mining rights to enter the field of oil and gas exploration and exploitation.In addition, with the reform progressing, to protect the rights of the country as a resource owner, oil and gas mining rights holders will no longer obtain rights free of charge.The holders need to pay mining rights transfer proceeds, which has become one of the focuses of oil and gas management reform.By sorting out multiple rounds of transfer, this paper clarifies the characteristics and existing problems of China's oil and gas mining rights competitive transfer at the present stage and offer suggestions for completing the oil and gas mining rights competitive transfer system.


