
    Geological environmental problems and its prevention of typical iron ore mining by subsequent filling method

    • 摘要: 嗣后充填法用于铁矿地下开采,使资源得到合理开发利用,同时保护了矿区地质环境。在对典型铁矿采空区充填、竖井封闭、斜坡道封堵等分析的基础上,估算了含水层结构破坏情况,其现状(影响半径0.154 km、面积1.097 km2)和预测(影响半径0.362 km、面积2.923 km2)均显示破坏严重,而现状和预测发生矿山地质灾害的可能性较小。从含水层和地质灾害的多方面提出了地质环境问题的防治措施。


      Abstract: The subsequent filling method is used in underground mining of iron ore, which makes the resources reasonably developed and utilized, and protects the geological environment of the mining area.Based on the analysis of typical iron mine goaf filling, shaft sealing and ramp sealing, the damage of aquifer structure is estimated.The present situation of aquifer damage (influence radius 0.154 km, area 1.097 km2) and its prediction (influence radius 0.362 km, area 2.923 km2) show that the aquifer is seriously damaged.The present situation and prediction of mine geological disasters show that they are less likely to occur.From many aspects of aquifer and geological disaster, the prevention and control measures of geological environment problems are put forward.


