Acoustic emission tests under triaxial compression of limestone are carried out by SAM-2000 servo-controlled rock mechanical test system and DS2 acoustic emission monitor.The characteristics of mixed rock damage evolution under triaxial compression are analyzed through acoustic emission parameters.The results show that the axial strain has a linear positive correlation with the change of confining pressure; whenever there is a crack in the mixed rock sample, the cumulative acoustic emission ringing count will increase sharply, and with the increase of confining pressure, the acoustic emission characteristic parameters on the eve of rock rupture will exhibit sudden characteristics.The strain damage evolution model of the mixed rock mass is established.The strain damage evolution model of mixed rock mass is established.The strain damage evolution model of mixed rock mass is described.The mixed rock strain damage evolution model describes the mixed rock damage process divided into initial damage stage, damage stable development stage, accelerated damage development stage and damage stage; the elastic brittle failure occurs mainly in the mixed rock under low confining pressure.With the increase of confining pressure, the mixed rock transforms from elastic brittleness to ductility.The mixed rock transforms from ductile state to plastic state during 20 MPa confining compression.The results are reasonably reflect the transformation from elastic confining to elastic ductility to elastoplasticity from low confining pressure to high confining pressure.