
    Impact test of half-disk model with prefabricated double bedding

    • 摘要: 通过含预制双层理的半圆盘缺陷介质来模拟真实岩体受到冲击荷载下的断裂特性,采用焦散线实验方法测量了试件破坏过程中裂纹尖端的动态应力强度因子的数值及裂纹扩展轨迹、速度等数值。实验表明:当取层理面与预制裂纹之间的角度为变量时,角度减小对裂纹扩展有着阻碍作用,60°试件穿过了两道层理,45°试件和30°试件未能穿过第二道层理面,且三者裂纹扩展时经过第一道层理面的偏移量分别为20.6 mm、32.3 mm、26.6 mm。三种试件在裂纹未扩展至层理面前的开裂只受到Ⅰ型应力强度因子的影响,开裂主要受拉应力作用,后期的开裂机制变得复杂,受到两种应力强度因子作用,且在层状岩体中,层理面的结构相对薄弱,容易在受到冲击荷载下发生开裂。研究结果对于工程实例中层状岩体的结构强度的研究有着重要的参考价值。


      Abstract: The fracture characteristics of real rock mass under impact load are simulated by using the half-disk defect medium containing prefabricated double lays.The experiment shows that when the angle between the lamination plane and the prefabricated crack is taken as a variable, the reduction of the angle will hinder the crack growth.The specimens with 60° pass through two laminations, while the specimens with 45° pass and 30° fail to pass through the second lamination plane, and the offset after the first lamination plane of the three-crack growth is 20.6 mm, 32.3 mm and 26.6 mm respectively.Three kinds of specimen cracking in front of the crack has not extended to bedding only affected by the type Ⅰ stress intensity factor, the main tensile stress cracking, cracking mechanism is complicated, in the late by two kinds of stress intensity factor, and in the layered rock mass, the bedding surface structure is relatively weak, easy occurrence crack under impact load.The research results have important reference value for the study of structural strength of intermediate rock mass.


