
    Study on the strength influencing law and its optimum ofdifferent gradation tailings in a mine

    • 摘要: 尾砂级配是影响充填体强度的重要因素之一,某矿因磨矿细度越来越小、级配不合理导致充填质量较差,因此,以该矿全尾砂为原材料,开展不同级配尾砂充填体强度配比试验,并对其进行优化。推荐该矿尾砂级配为:+150 μm占比30%,-150~+74 μm占比30%,-74~+37 μm占比20%,-37 μm占比20%。下一步将根据试验结果进行技术改造,优化尾砂级配,实现安全高效开采。


      Abstract: The gradation of tailings is one of the important factors affecting the strength of filling body.The filling quality of a mine is poor because of the smaller and smaller grinding fineness and unreasonable gradation.Therefore, taking the whole tailings of the mine as raw material, the strength ratio test of tailings filling body with different gradation is carried out and optimized.The gradation of tailings is recommended as follows:30% with +150 μm, 30% with -150~+74 μm, 20% with -74~+37 μm and 20% with -37 μm.The next step is to carry out technical transformation according to the test results, optimize tailings gradation, and realize safe and efficient mining.


