
    The evolution and enlightenments of the connotation of critical mineral policies in the USA

    • 摘要: 美国自1939年制定《战略和关键物资储备法》以来,围绕关键矿产的储备、开发利用、评估和预警,先后制定《国家关键矿产法》《战略和关键矿产法》等,针对稀土也出台《稀土供应链技术与资源转型法》《稀土和关键物资振兴法》等。美国早期的关键矿产政策主要以确保基本民用所需的物资为目标,随着关键矿产竞争越来越激烈、对外依赖度越来越高、地缘政治风险越来越大,确保国家安全所需的关键矿产的安全可靠供给成为美国政府的首要任务;特朗普执政后,着眼于解决整个关键矿产供应链的脆弱性,通过行政命令、产业和税收政策频繁干预关键矿产的开发利用,与刚果(金)、赞比亚等9个国家组建“关键矿产联盟”,降低对中国关键矿产的依赖和削弱中国地缘政治影响力。本文在梳理分析美国关键矿产政策演变基础上,提出制定《关键矿产法》《关键矿产储备法》,建立关键矿产动态调整机制,与“一带一路”沿线国家构建“关键矿产命运共同体”,与国内科研机构、高校和企业建立“政产学研用”的互利合作机制等建议。


      Abstract: Since 1939, the USA formulated the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act, focusing on the reserve, development and utilization, evaluation and early warning of critical minerals, successively formulated the National Critical Materials Act, the Strategic and Critical Minerals Act, etc., and also promulgated the Rare Earths Supply-Chain Technology and Resources Transformation Act, the Rare Earths and Critical Materials Revitalization Act, etc.for rare earth.The early critical mineral policies of the USA mainly aimed at ensuring the materials needed for basic civil use.With the increasingly fierce competition for critical minerals, increasing dependence on foreign countries and increasing geopolitical risks, ensuring the safe and reliable supply of critical minerals needed for national defense security has become the primary task of the USA government.President Donald Trump focused on solving the vulnerability of the whole supply-chain of critical minerals, frequently intervened in the development and utilization of critical minerals through administrative orders, industrial and tax policies, and formed “critical minerals alliance” with nine countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia, so as to reduce the dependence on Chinese critical minerals and weaken Chinese geopolitical influence.Based on the analysis of the evolution of the critical mineral policies in USA, this paper proposes the formulation of the Critical Mineral Act, the Critical Mineral Reserve Act, establishes the dynamic adjustment mechanism of critical minerals, and builds the “Fate Community of Critical Minerals” along “the Belt and Road” countries, and establishes the mutually beneficial cooperation mechanism of “Government Industry University Research and Utilization” with domestic scientific research institutions, universities and enterprises.


