
    Analysis of the law of pressure behavior in upward mining of close coal seam

    • 摘要: 丁家梁煤矿Ⅲ-2与Ⅳ-2两层煤之间平均距离为35 m,建井初期为满足经济效益优先开采了下方Ⅳ-2煤层,随着Ⅳ-2煤层开采接近尾声,需对采空区上方Ⅲ-2煤层进行上行开采。本文使用理论分析Ⅲ-2煤层上行开采可行性和工作面矿压规律,数值模拟分析Ⅳ-2煤层与Ⅲ-2煤层开采时围岩破坏状态,现场观测Ⅲ-2煤层开采时矿压显现规律。结果表明,Ⅳ-2煤层回采后工作面垮落带高7.20~11.60 m,裂隙带高度为31.05~42.05 m;Ⅲ-2煤层开采后,下部采空区留设煤柱缓慢发生破坏,Ⅲ-2煤层与Ⅳ-2煤层间岩层裂隙带贯通,但是层间围岩整体稳定,缓慢下层,无大面积垮落现象,验证Ⅲ-2煤层在一定的安全措施下上行开采可行;在封闭下部采空区,缩短工作面长度至100 m,加快回采速度等措施下,Ⅲ-2煤层实际开采过程中,初次来压步距49 m,周期来压步距19.9 m,动载系数约为1.3,矿压显现规律明显。


      Abstract: The average distance between the Ⅲ-2 coal seam and the Ⅳ-2 coal seam in Dingjialiang coal mine is 35 m, in the early stage of construction, the lower IV-2 coal seam is mined in order to meet the economic benefits.As the mining of the Ⅳ-2 coal seam is nearing completion, the Ⅲ-2 coal seam above the goaf needs to be mined.This paper uses theory to analyze the feasibility of upward mining of the Ⅲ-2 coal seam and the law of underground pressure at the working face, numerical simulation analyzes the damage state of the surrounding rock during the mining of the Ⅳ-2 coal seam and the Ⅲ-2 coal seam, and observes the law of the appearance of underground pressure during the mining of the Ⅲ-2 coal seam.The results show that the height of the caving zone caused by coal mining of Ⅳ-2 coal seam is 7.20-11.60 m, and the height of the fracture zone is 31.05-42.05 m; after the Ⅲ-2 coal seam is mined, the coal pillars left in the lower goaf are slowly destroyed, and the fracture zone between the Ⅲ-2 coal seam and the Ⅳ-2 coal seam is connected, but the surrounding rock between the layers is generally stable, slowly lowering, and no large-scale collapse phenomenon.Verifying that the Ⅲ-2 coal seam is feasible for upward mining under certain safety measures; under measures such as closing the lower goaf, shortening the length of the working face to 100 m, and speeding up the mining speed during the actual mining process of the Ⅲ-2 coal seam, the initial pressure step is 49 m, the periodic pressure step is 19.9 m, and the dynamic load factor is about 1.3, and the rock pressure is obvious.


