
    Groundwater quality classification for abandoned mine based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation

    • 摘要: 矿井在关闭以后,随着时间延续,地下水中的污染物会向远处和深处扩散。及时对关闭矿井地下水进行水质定量评价,并根据评价分级结果采取相应处理措施尤为重要。为了对龙永煤田关闭矿井地下水进行水质定量评价及分级,参照地下水5级水质分类标准,选取地下水总硬度值、溶解性总固体值、硫酸盐含量、氯离子含量等4个指标,利用模糊综合评判法,对龙永煤田15个关闭矿井的152组地下水水样逐一进行定量评价分类。结果显示,15个已关闭矿井地下水总体水质偏差,大多属于第Ⅳ级水、第Ⅴ级水,第四系孔隙水和童子岩组裂隙水基本不能作为饮用水源来使用。下部灰岩层水质相对较好,但不宜开采,应做好保护。研究结果为下一步矿山环境修复治理提供了参考。


      Abstract: After the mine closed, the pollutants in the groundwater will spread far and deep as time goes on.It is particularly important to make quantitative evaluation of groundwater quality in closed mines and take corresponding treatment measures according to the evaluation and classification results.In order to evaluate the quality of groundwater of closed mines in Longyong coalfield, total hardness, total dissolved solids, sulfate and chloridion are chosen as rating items according to the groundwater quality standard.152 groups of groundwater samples from 15 closed mines in Longyong coalfield are evaluated and classified based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation(FCE) method.The results show that the groundwater quality of those closed mines is generally poor, and mostly belongs to the Ⅳ level and the Ⅴ level.The quaternary pore water and Tongziyan group fissure water are not suitable for the source of drinking water.The water quality of lower limestone is relatively good, but it is not suitable for mining, and it should be focused on protection.Those results provide the references for restoration of the ecological environment for abandoned mines.


