
    Response of net primary productivity of vegetation to land cover change in six coal fields of Shanxi province

    • 摘要: 从中观尺度上定量评价矿区土地覆被变化对植被净初级生产力(NPP)的影响可为省域国土空间生态修复中矿区生态修复提供参考。本文以山西省六大煤田为例,利用MODIS数据,分析研究区植被NPP和土地覆被的时空变化情况,引入NPP损益流概念,从定向和定量的角度分析省域尺度下矿区土地覆被变化对植被NPP的影响。结果表明:①山西省六大煤田2005—2015年NPP整体向好,研究时段内NPP均值为335.03 gC/(m2·a),11年间NPP总量增长3 492.20 GgC,空间上表现为东南高,西北低的格局;②2005—2015年间,土地覆被变化主要集中在耕地、林地和草地,其中,耕地和林地的面积分别增长了3 581.75 km2和148.65 km2,草地则减少了3 882.25 km2;③2005—2015年研究区林地和耕地的增加使得NPP总量增加,建设用地的增加以及林地向其他类型用地的转化造成NPP总量损失;④2005—2015年间,山西省六大煤田NPP因土地覆被变化而变化,总体呈现增长的趋势,这与六大煤田的生态修复工作有密切关系。


      Abstract: The quantitative evaluation of the effect of land cover change on vegetation net primary productivity (NPP) in mining areas from the meso scale can provide a reference for the ecological restoration work of the mining area in the ecological restoration work of the provincial territory.Taking the six major coal fields in Shanxi province as an example, the data of MODIS is used to analyze the temporal and spatial changes of vegetation NPP and land cover in the study area.The concept of NPP profit and loss flow is introduced to analyze the influence of land cover change on vegetation NPP at the provincial scale from a directional and quantitative perspective.The results show that:①NPP in the six major coal fields in Shanxi province is better from 2005 to 2015, with an average NPP value of 335.03 gC/(m2·a), and the total NPP increase 3 492.20 GgC in 11 years.The space show a pattern of high in the southeast and low in the northwest.②From 2005 to 2015, the land cover change is mainly concentrate in cultivated land, forest land and grassland.The area of cultivated land and forest land increase by 3 581.75 km2 and 148.65 km2 respectively, while the grassland decrease by 3 882.25 km2.③From 2005 to 2015, the increase in forest land and cultivated land in the study area increase the total NPP, while the increase in construction land and the conversion from forest land to other land types will cause loss of total NPP.④During 2005 to 2015, the NPP of the six major coal fields in Shanxi province change due to land cover changes, but the overall trend show an increase, which is closely related to the ecological restoration work of the major coal fields.


