
    Research on the technology decision of agricultural land protection before coal mining subsidence in high ground-water level area

    • 摘要: 高潜水位矿区在采煤沉陷前实施农用地保护受到多种因素的制约,需要系统性决策。本文构建了高潜水位矿区农用地保护技术体系,分析了其限制性条件和影响因素,并提出了递进式决策框架。研究表明,针对高潜水位矿区采煤沉陷前农用地保护的技术主要有梯次整理、疏水减损、超前充填和挖深垫浅,主要限制性条件包括沉陷积水、疏水条件、充填物料和国土规划。保护技术的实施还需要考虑施工条件、资金投入、地块质量等因素。沛北矿区已处于资源开采的后期,预计2020—2030年新增沉陷区2 300 hm2,主要为轻度沉陷和中度沉陷,便于实施各类保护技术,农用地减损和提质改造潜力较大。本文研究可为东部矿粮复合区沉陷前农用地保护提供参考。


      Abstract: The implementation of agricultural land protection before coal mining subsidence in high ground-water level area is constrained by various factors and requires systematic decision-making.This paper constructs the agricultural land protection technology system and analysis its limiting factors in high ground-water level area, and builds a progressive decision framework.The research shows that the technologies for protecting farmland before coal mining subsidence in high ground-water level area include terrace consolidation, drainage, advanced filling, and digging deep to fill shallow.The main limiting factors include subsidence water logging, drainage conditions, filling materials and land planning.The implementation of protection technology also needs to consider influencing factors such as construction conditions, capital investment, and land quality.Peibei mining area is in the late stage of coal mining.From 2020 to 2030, an additional coal mining subsidence area of 2 300 hm2, mainly mild to moderate subsidence which is conducive to the implementation of various protective projects, and has a large potential of reduction of agricultural land loss and upgrading.The study can provide reference for the protection of agricultural land before coal mining subsidence in the coal-grain overlapping area in eastern China.


