High quality development is the inevitable choice of coal enterprises.Analyzing the reasons for the ineffective transformation and lacking of high quality development motivation of coal enterprises, which is important for breaking the obstacles to the high quality development mechanism of coal enterprises.In order to explore the internal dynamic mechanism of high quality development of coal enterprises, this paper constructs a three-party asymmetric dynamic evolution game model for government, coal enterprise, market, and simulates and analyzes the strategies evolutionary path of the three stakeholders.The research results show that in the process of transformation and upgrading of coal enterprises, the different behavioral strategies of the three main bodies of government, coal enterprises and market are mutually influential.By analyzing the rational choices of all parties and their deep-seated reasons, it is concluded that when adopting measures such as increasing subsidies for high quality development of markets and enterprises and their traditional regulatory utility, and reducing government policy incentive costs, etc.The three-party game will evolve to an ideal stable state.Therefore, the ideal operating model can be constructed, that is, the government will encourage high quality development, coal enterprises will embark on a high quality development path, and the coal energy market is willing to accept high quality development.Finally, the paper from the government, enterprises and market three perspectives proposes suggestions, in order to form a system of "enterprise innovation, government guidance, market support", leading coal enterprises to take the road of high quality and sustainable development.