
    Research and application of key support technology of new composite structure pier column

    • 摘要: 当煤炭开采工程中存在空巷时,工作面与空巷上方的岩体易发生断裂,给煤矿的生产施工带来重大风险,对空巷进行支护,改善上部岩体的受力状态,是保障其稳定性的有效措施。目前,墩柱支护技术是空巷支护的主要措施之一,根据现场经验表明,采用该结构时提高墩柱的承载能力会严重影响煤机截齿的使用寿命和工作面的推进速度。为解决上述问题,本文通过分析空巷-工作面附近岩体的变形机制,研发了由“充填材料-内部结构-外部模具”组成的新型复合结构墩柱,并开展比例为1:1的室内试验,测试新型复合结构墩柱的承载能力。结果表明,将新型复合结构墩柱应用在实际工程,工作面推进过程中顶板上方岩体完整性较好,未出现断裂破坏现象,同时综放工作面通过空巷的用时由15 d缩短至3 d,极大地提高了生产效率。


      Abstract: Due to the existing of the abandoned roadway, the rock above the working face and abandoned roadway is prone to fracture, which brings great risks to the production and construction of coal mine.Supporting the abandoned roadway is an effective measure to improve the stress state of the rock and ensure its stability.Currently, the abandoned roadway is mainly supported by the concrete pier.According to the field experience, improving the bearing capacity of the pier will seriously affect the service life of the pick and the advancing speed of the working face.To solve the above problems, a new type of composite structure pier composed of filling material, internal structure, and external mold is developed by analyzing the deformation mechanism of rock around the abandoned roadway and mining face.and carries out the indoor test with the ratio of 1:1 to test the bearing capacity of the new composite structure pier.The results show that the new composite structure pier is applied in the actual project, the integrity of rock mass above the roof is good in the process of working face advancing, and there is no fracture failure phenomenon.At the same time, the time of fully mechanized top coal caving face passing through the empty roadway is shortened from 15 days to 3 days, which greatly improves the production efficiency.


