
    Research process and trends of ecological restoration of abandoned/closed coal mines

    • 摘要: 随着资源枯竭和宏观政策导向,我国已有大量关闭/废弃煤矿,并将持续增加。作为一类受损的“社会-自然-经济”复合生态系统,关闭/废弃煤矿急需生态修复,以便重构自然本底并再次促进经济与社会发展。本文从三个方面对近三十年的关闭/废弃煤矿研究进行梳理:①从生物、土壤和景观等方面总结关闭/废弃煤矿生态修复技术;②基于生物多样性、土壤理化性质、遥感影像和综合体系分别阐述生态修复评价方法;③根据修复尺度将关闭/废弃煤矿生态修复划分为局地型生态修复规划和区域型生态修复工程,前者以点或线的视角从单个、多个局地关闭/废弃煤矿进行规划研究,而后者则从面的视域整合生态修复同质区域,更能满足当前国土空间规划体系建设的需要。针对关闭/废弃煤矿生态修复研究现存的不足,从综合利用体系的构建、顶层设计带动全域发展、多学科交叉的全要素治理以及新技术手段实现精准预测共四个方面进行展望。


      Abstract: With the process of coal resource exhaustion and macro policy, there are plenty of abandoned/closed coal mines and the number is increasing.As a damaged and compound ecosystem of society, economy and nature, abandoned/closed coal mines need ecological restoration urgently to reconstruct the natural environment and promote the development of economy and society.This paper summarizes research on closed/abandoned coal mines in recent 30 years from three aspects:①ecological restoration technology of abandoned/closed coal mines from creatures, soil and landscapes; ②ecological restoration evaluation methods of abandoned/closed coal mines from biodiversity, soil properties, remote sensing image and comprehensive system; ③ecological planning of abandoned/closed coal mines from local and regional recovery scale, the former conductes planning from the perspective of point or line from single or multiple local closed/abandoned coal mines, while the latter integrates homogeneous areas of ecological restoration from the perspective of plane to better satisfy the meet of territorial spatial planning.Considering the deficiencies of existing research on the abandoned/closed coal mines, four directions for future research are given, including comprehensive system, top-level design, multidisciplinary merge and new technology.


