
    Investigation on the nanometer titanium-based materials from ilmenite

    • 摘要: 以廉价易得的天然钛铁矿为原料,采用“机械球磨活化+碱浸”工艺制备FeTiO3纳米花,采用“机械球磨活化+碱浸+酸浸”工艺制得TiO2/FeTiO3纳米微粒。首先通过机械球磨活化减小钛铁矿的物理尺寸,使其化学性质变得活泼,然后通过碱浸的方法得到呈三维花瓣状的FeTiO3纳米花,最后纳米花进一步酸浸得到规则的TiO2/FeTiO3纳米微粒。通过分析FeTiO3纳米花和TiO2/FeTiO3纳米微粒的形貌和物相组成,得出结论碱浸时较优的NaOH浓度为1 mol/L,碱浸时间为2 h,酸浸时较优的HCl浓度为2 mol/L,酸浸时间为8 h。较优条件下获得的FeTiO3纳米花厚度在25 nm左右,长度在200~400 nm之间,TiO2/FeTiO3纳米微粒直径在30 nm左右。通过分析碱浸和酸浸的机理,可知反应过程中都有不稳定液相中间产物的生成,运用溶解和中间体水解产生沉淀的机理进行了解释,中间体的生成和水解平衡受酸或者碱浓度的影响。


      Abstract: In this work, natural ilmenite, which is low-cost and accessible to get, is being intensively utilized for raw material to prepare FeTiO3 nanometer flower through the method of “the activation of mechanical ball mill+alkali leaching”, and TiO2/FeTiO3 nanometer particles are obtained through the process of “the activation of mechanical ball mill + alkali leaching + acid leaching”.First of all, the size of ilmenite is reduced by mechanical activation and its chemical properties become active.Then, FeTiO3 nanoscale flower with three-dimensional petals are obtained by alkali leaching.The nanometer flowers are further pickled to achieve TiO2/FeTiO3 nanometer particles.By analyzing morphology and phase composition of FeTiO3 nanoscale flower and TiO2/FeTiO3 nanometer particles found that FeTiO3 nanoscale flower with a thickness of around 25 nm and a length between 200 nm and 400 nm is achieved by 1 mol/L NaOH for 2 h immersion.Subsequently, the nanometer flower is further immersed in 2 mol/L HCl for 8 h to obtain regular TiO2/FeTiO3 nanometer particles with a diameter of about 30 nm.In addition, the mechanisms of acid leaching and alkali leaching are analyzed, indicating the unstable liquid phase intermediates are formed in the two reactions, which can be explained by the mechanism of dissolution and precipitation generated by the hydrolysis of intermediates.Furthermore, the formation and hydrolysis of intermediates are related to the concentration of acid or alkali.


