Gravity filling has the advantages of high filling efficiency and simple process flow.However, due to the high concentration of paste filling slurry, the pipeline transportation resistance is large, and the pipeline blockage and other transportation risks are easy to occur.Therefore, the gravity filling of paste filling slurry is difficult.In order to make the paste filling slurry achieve safe and reliable self flow filling, simplify the filling process and save the filling cost, this paper aims to explore the feasibility of paste filling and determine the self flow filling conditions of paste filling slurry.The reasonable filling process parameters are determined by experiments, and the paste filling slurry with good homogeneity is prepared.The resistance of paste filling slurry in pipeline transportation is calculated, the feasibility of paste filling slurry self flow transportation is demonstrated, and the maximum allowable multiple of paste self flow filling is determined.According to the basic parameters of paste filling slurry, combined with the characteristics of paste slurry pipeline transportation and the actual production situation underground, the layout of filling pipeline is optimized.The production practice show that the self flowing filling capacity of paste filling slurry is increased from 50 m
3/h to 110 m
3/h.In addition, the pipeline transportation system of paste filling slurry is stable and reliable, and the slurry pipeline transportation is smooth, which can meet the requirements of self flowing transportation of paste filling slurry, greatly improve the filling efficiency and simplify the filling process.