
    Study on the impact of multi-disaster chains on emergency rescue

    • 摘要: 为了研究多灾种链生灾害对煤矿应急救援体系的影响,对煤矿事故的多种灾害如冲击地压、煤与瓦斯突出、顶板事故、水灾、火灾和煤尘爆炸等进行了分析,总结了链生灾害的类型,并分析了链生灾害的发生原因,分析表明灾害发生区域重叠性和灾害间的诱发性是链生灾害发生的基础,使各灾害发生链生耦合。总结了现有的应急救援体系和针对单种灾害的救援模式,发现救援模式的单一性无法满足多灾种链生灾害的事后救援工作,没有形成多灾种综合救援体系,相应增加了应急处置和救援的难度。详细阐述了链生灾害对灾害预防手段和防控主次关系变化的影响,同时研究了对救援模式、应急预案、救援队伍、应急制度等整个救援体系的影响。研究结果表明:链生灾害是建立在多尺度、多时空、多诱发性的一种复杂的链生耦合过程中,给煤矿灾害防控和救援体系带来很大影响,亟需完善针对多灾种链生灾害的现代应急救援体系。


      Abstract: In order to explore the influence of multi-disaster chains on emergency rescue system, this paper analyzes many kinds of disasters such as rock burst, coal and gas outburst, roof accident, flood, fire and coal dust explosion.And it also summarizes the types of chain disasters, and analyzes the causes of chain disasters.The analysis shows that the overlap of disaster occurrence area and the inducement between disasters are the basis of the occurrence of chain disasters, which makes chain coupling occur.This paper summarizes the existing emergency rescue system and the rescue mode for single disaster, and finds that the singularity of the rescue mode can not meet the post-rescue of multi-disaster chains, and does not form a comprehensive multi-disaster rescue system.This paper expounds the influence of chain disasters on the change of the primary and secondary relationship of disaster prevention and control, and studies the influence on the whole rescue system.The results show that chain-disaster is a kind of complex chain coupling process which is based on multi-scale, multi-space-time and multi-induction, and has great influence on the disaster prevention and rescue system of coal mine.


