
    Study on comprehensive health risk assessment of coal mine dust

    • 摘要: 针对当前煤矿工人尘肺病的严重性和普遍性,以及煤矿粉尘评价的不足等问题,本文根据影响煤矿粉尘危害的各种因素,从产尘的直接因素切入,确定客观因素、井下工序、作业人员、防降尘措施和监控体系五大类指标体系,采用层次分析法,建立指标权重评比的模型,并确定指标与分值的映射关系,对风险等级进行五个级别的划分,最终构建了一套综合内外因素的定量评价体系,并基于计算机语言开发配套软件。结果显示:评价系统在三组煤矿的评分差异显著,不同矿井粉尘危害等级不同,且等级划分与矿井实际粉尘现状相符,评价系统提供的决制支持客观且合理。本文建立的评价体系具有参考价值和推广应用价值,有利于促进矿尘评价的规范化和科学化,可以提高人们对煤矿粉尘危险程度的认识,促进煤矿做好粉尘防治工作。


      Abstract: In view of the seriousness and universality of pneumoconiosis among coal miners and the lack of coal mine dust evaluation, this paper aiming at various factors affecting coal mine dust hazards, starts from the direct factors of dust production, determines five major index systems:objective factors, underground processes, operators, dust prevention measures and monitoring system, and adopts analytic hierarchy process, and establish the model of index weight evaluation, determine the mapping relationship between index and score, divide the risk level into five levels, finally build a set of quantitative evaluation system integrating internal and external factors, and develop supporting software based on computer language.The results show that the scores of the evaluation system in the three groups of coal mines are significantly different, the dust hazard levels in different mines are different, and the classification is consistent with the actual dust status of the mine.The decision support provided by the evaluation system is objective and reasonable.The evaluation system established in this paper is valuable for reference and popularization, accelerates the standardization and scientific evaluation of coal dust, enhances people’s understanding the danger degree of coal mine dust, and promotes coal mine dust prevention and control work.


