In order to study the influence of local ventilation parameters on gas distribution in abnormal gas gushing in the mine heading face.Through Fluent software, 3D model of roadway is established.The gas distribution in tunneling roadway under different ventilation parameters is analyzed.The research results show that the initial gas accumulated at the bottom of the roadway.Under the action of wind and buoyancy, the gas moves towards the outlet and above.After the air flow stabilizes, the gas accumulates in the lower part near the heading face, and the gas distribution in the rear is more uniform.The air duct layout has less influence on gas concentration in the return air flow and more influence on gas distribution near the heading face.The two air ducts are arranged on the upper side of the side of the tunnel, and the ventilation effect is better when the air duct with a large air volume is arranged on the top of the air duct with a small air volume.Through the analysis of the measured data of gas and air volume on the heading face of a mine in Tangshan.When the gas emission of the heading face is less than 1.13 m
3/min, local ventilation can be carried out by relying on existing equipment.When it is greater than 1.13 m
3/min, the local fan with larger air volume should be replaced or the means such as gas extraction should be adopted to ensure mine ventilation safety.This study is of great significance for gas disaster prevention and reduction of accident loss.