Mining and processing have caused an impact on ecological environment and economy development and therefore made people to explore a new mode of mining development.An eco-industrial park is a new type of sustainable development model.Through the symbiotic docking of waste resources such as by products and waste heat, the eco-industrial park connects different enterprises to form an industrial symbiosis network.Previous research on mining eco-industrial parks has focused on the qualitative analysis of industrial symbiosis.This paper using social network analysis method and taking Jungar mining eco-industrial park as an example to analyze the characteristics of its industrial symbiosis network quantitatively through adopting Ucinet software.The purpose is to identify the core companies of the industrial symbiosis network and the weaknesses in their symbiotic relationships.It is found that the industrial symbiosis network density of Jungar mining eco-industrial park is above medium level among other eco-industrial park, and the industrial symbiosis connection among core enterprises is simple.Once some core enterprises are not running smoothly, it is easy to break the whole industrial symbiosis network.Therefore, the symbiotic relationship between enterprises in the core region needs to be improved.This paper suggests that core regional enterprises purchase efficiency-enhancing equipment to improve the recycling rate of waste resources, which would not only strengthen the symbiotic connection between core enterprises, but also accelerate the ecological transformation of the mining park.