
    Outlook and overview of mineral resources situation of China in 2021

    • 摘要: 2021年全球经济在跌至谷底后反弹,全球矿业市场艰难回升,矿产品价格剧烈震荡、屡创新高,投资者对矿业市场的信心回调。中国经济持续平稳恢复,中国矿业市场持续好转、韧性增强。中国油气地质勘查投资增加,非油气地质勘查投资触底反弹,采矿业固定资产投资由降转增,采选业企业利润创新高,矿产品生产继续保持增长,能源结构加快优化,大宗矿产品进口保持高位。未来,全球经济复苏下行风险加大,中国经济要实现持续增长,需要稳定和安全的矿产品供应作保障。一方面,由于国内非油气地质勘查投入不足,后备资源接替堪忧,需要加大国内找矿力度,用“最小的经济代价”保障资源供应;另一方面,中国矿业企业迎来海外投资并购的机遇期,需要加大政策和资金扶持力度,引导企业科学有序开展国际合作。


      Abstract: In 2021, global economy rebounded after falling to the bottom.The global mining market is struggling to recover.The prices of mineral products fluctuated violently and hit new highs repeatedly.Investors’ confidence in the mining market has returned.China’s economy has continued to recover steadily.China’s mining market has shown strong resilience.The national investment in geological exploration and the fixed assets investment in the mining industry increased.The profits of mining and dressing industry hit new highs, the production of mineral products has continued to grow, the energy structure has continued to improve, and the imports of bulk mineral products stayed high.In the future, to sustain China’s economic growth, the stable and safe supply of mineral products is required.On the one hand, the non-oil and gas geological exploration investment is insufficient.It is necessary to increase the domestic prospecting efforts to ensure the supply of mineral resources with “minimum economic cost”.On the other hand, it is necessary to increase policy and financial support to guide mining enterprises to go global.


