张玉梅. 统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责的思考[J]. 中国矿业, 2022, 31(2): 28-32. DOI: 10.12075/j.issn.1004-4051.2022.02.002
    引用本文: 张玉梅. 统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责的思考[J]. 中国矿业, 2022, 31(2): 28-32. DOI: 10.12075/j.issn.1004-4051.2022.02.002
    ZHANG Yumei. Thoughts on the unified exercise of the responsibility of the owner of natural resource assets owned by the whole people[J]. CHINA MINING MAGAZINE, 2022, 31(2): 28-32. DOI: 10.12075/j.issn.1004-4051.2022.02.002
    Citation: ZHANG Yumei. Thoughts on the unified exercise of the responsibility of the owner of natural resource assets owned by the whole people[J]. CHINA MINING MAGAZINE, 2022, 31(2): 28-32. DOI: 10.12075/j.issn.1004-4051.2022.02.002


    Thoughts on the unified exercise of the responsibility of the owner of natural resource assets owned by the whole people

    • 摘要: 统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责是落实《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》《生态文明体制改革总体方案》《关于统筹推进自然资源资产产权制度改革的指导意见》的重要举措,也是落实自然资源部“两统一”职责的重要内容,关系到我国的经济、生态与国防安全,也关系到全民所有自然资源资产的合理开发和有效保护,具有重要的现实意义。本文明确了行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责的对象与范围,梳理了土地、矿产、海洋、森林、草原、湿地、水等全民所有自然资源资产管理的现状,提出了目前我国所有者管理职责分散、各种权利的边界模糊、职责权限存在一定交叉、缺乏整体的监督制约机制等问题,并具有针对性地从明确权属、掌控家底、建立资源清单及委托代理制度、编制自然资源资产规划、完善市场规则、做好资产处置、完善收益、建立健全评价考核制度等方面,提出了统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责的具体建议。


      Abstract: The unified exercise of the responsibilities of owner of natural resources assets owned by the whole people is an important measure to implement “decision of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues concerning comprehensively deepening reform”, “the overall plan for the reform of ecological civilization system” and “the guiding opinions on comprehensively promoting the reform of the property right system of natural resources assets”.It is also an important part of the implementation of the “two unification” responsibilities of Ministry of Natural Resources, which is related to China’s economic, ecological and national defense security.It is also related to the rational development and effective protection of all natural resource assets, which is of great practical significance.This paper defines the object and scope of exercising the responsibilities of the owner of natural resource assets owned by the whole people, and combs the current situation of the management of natural resource assets owned by the whole people, such as land, minerals, oceans, forests, grasslands, wetlands and water.It puts forward some problems, such as the decentralization of owner management responsibilities, the fuzzy boundary of various rights, the intersection of responsibilities and authorities, and the lack of overall supervision and restriction mechanism.It put forward specific suggestions on the unified exercise of the responsibilities of the owners of natural resource assets owned by the whole people from the aspects of clarifying the ownership, controlling the family background, establishing the resource list and principal-agent system, compiling the natural resource asset planning, perfecting the market rules, doing a good job in asset disposal, perfecting the income, establishing and perfecting the evaluation and assessment system.


