
    Effect of sintering system on properties of coal gangue foam ceramics

    • 摘要: 本文利用煤矸石为主要原料, 以高温熔融法制备发泡陶瓷,采用正交实验的方法,通过极差分析与方差分析来研究烧结制度对发泡陶瓷抗压强度、体积密度、导热系数的影响规律,并综合分析得出最优烧结制度。研究结果表明,对发泡陶瓷抗压强度和体积密度影响由大到小的烧结制度参数排名均为烧结温度、预热温度、预热时间、烧结时间;对发泡陶瓷导热系数影响由大到小的烧结制度参数排名为烧结温度、烧结时间、预热温度、预热烧结。 最优烧结制度为预热温度550 ℃,预热时间20 min,烧结温度1 150 ℃,烧结时间80 min,在此烧结制度下制备的发泡陶瓷抗压强度为5.13 MPa,体积密度为461 kg/m3,导热系数为0.184 W/(m·℃),符合《发泡陶瓷隔墙板》(T/CBCSA 12—2019)中当发泡陶瓷的密度范围为420~480 kg/m3时的产品标准。该研究成果为我国综合利用煤矸石提供了有效参考。


      Abstract: Foamed ceramics are prepared from coal gangue by high temperature melting method.The influence of sintering system on compressive strength, bulk density and thermal conductivity of foamed ceramics is studied by means of range analysis and variance analysis, and the optimal sintering system is obtained by comprehensive analysis.The results show that sintering temperature, preheating temperature, preheating time and sintering time are the most important sintering parameters which affect the compressive strength and bulk density of foamed ceramics; the sintering system parameters which influence the thermal conductivity of foamed ceramics from large to small are sintering temperature, sintering time, preheating temperature and preheating sintering.The optimal sintering process is preheating temperature 550 ℃, preheating time 20 min, sintering temperature 1 150 ℃ and sintering time 80 min.The compressive strength, bulk density and thermal conductivity of the foamed ceramics prepared under this sintering process are 5.13 MPa, 461 kg/m3 and 0.184 W/(m·℃), which meet the requirements of foamed ceramic partition board (T/CBCSA 12—2019)when the density of the foamed ceramics ranges from 420 kg/m3 to 480 kg/m3 product standards.The research results provide an effective reference for the comprehensive utilization of coal gangue in China.


