
    Experimental study on transportation performance of high-concentration filling materials in Buritica Gold Mine

    • 摘要: 武里蒂卡金矿采用分段空场嗣后充填采矿法,充填骨料选用选矿全尾砂,为科学合理地建设矿山充填系统,本文开展了全尾砂高浓度充填料浆输送性能研究。通过坍落度试验研究分析了充填料浆和易性,并初步确定充填料浆的浓度范围为66%~68%。以此为基础,利用流变仪测试充填料浆的屈服剪切应力与黏性系数,计算得出管道单位长度充填料浆流动阻力,为矿山充填管路设计提供必要参数。研究表明,武里蒂卡金矿充填需求量为60~100 m3/h,研究确定全尾砂充填料浆浓度为66%~68%,井下充填管道内径150 mm;料浆输送阻力2.69~5.74 kPa/m,采用10 MPa柱塞泵可将充填料浆水平输送1.7~3.7 km,能够很好地满足矿山高浓度充填料浆输送的需求。


      Abstract: Buritica Gold Mine adopts sublevel open stopping and subsequent filling mining method, and the filling aggregate selects beneficiation full tailings.In order to construct the mine filling system scientifically and reasonably, the transportation performance of high-concentration filling slurry of full tailings is carried out.The workability of high-concentration slurry is analyzed by slump bucket test and the concentration range of the filling slurry is determined preliminarily, which is 66%-68%.Based on this, the yield shear stress and viscosity coefficient of the filling slurry are measured by using the hydrodynamic formula.Then the flowing resistance of filling slurry per unit length of pipeline is calculated to provide necessary parameters for mine filling pipeline design.Considering the filling demand of Buritica Gold Mine being 60-100 m3/h, the filling concentration of 66%-68%, and the inner diameter of the underground filling pipe being 150 mm are recommended.The conveying resistance is approximately 2.69-5.74 kPa/m, and the 10 MPa plunger pump could transport the high-concentration filling slurry horizontally for 1.7-3.7 km, which can fully meet the demand for mine high-concentration filling.


