
    Study on application technology of comprehensive utilization of tailings:taking Chongli Mineral Resources Concentration Area as an example

    • 摘要: 作为北京冬奥会滑雪项目主办区和中国首都重要水源涵养区和生态环境支撑区,张家口市崇礼区的矿业绿色发展已经成为现在和未来发展的必由之路。尾矿资源化利用是使矿山固体废弃资源变废为宝,有效缓解土地、建筑材料供应紧张局面,改善生态环境,消除尾矿库对环境危害的治本之策。本文分析了我国尾矿类型划分、尾矿综合利用方式方法,并以京津冀地区崇礼矿产资源集中区为例,开展了尾矿调查和综合利用研究。崇礼矿集区内有尾矿库60座,集中分布于南部山区,以铁尾矿和金尾矿为主,占地面积计3.36 km2,尾矿库现有库容7 625万m3。根据尾矿的物理性质、化学性质及矿物之间的比例关系,将尾矿划分为5种类型,相应地给出了各自资源化综合利用的建议。通过尾矿资源化综合利用可充分挖掘矿产资源二次利用潜力,缓解环境压力,实现矿集区范围内的“环境再造”和“产业再生”。


      Abstract: As the ski resort of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the important water conservation area and ecological environment support area in the capital of China, green mining is the only way to develop in Chongli District of Zhangjiakou City.The resource utilization of tailings is the key production mode of mining activities.It can turn solid waste resources into treasure, and alleviate the shortage of land and building materials improve the ecological environment and eliminate the harm of tailings pond to the environment.In this paper, the classification of tailings types, the direction and principle of comprehensive utilization of tailings are mentioned.Based on the investigation of tailings, the types of tailings are divided and the comprehensive utilization technology is discussed, taking Chongli Mineral Resources Concentration Area as an example.There are 60 tailings ponds in Chongli Mineral Resources Concentration Area, which are concentrated in the southern mountainous area, mainly iron tailings and gold tailings, covering an area of 3.36 km2, and the inventory of tailings is 76.25 million m3.Five types of tailings are divided according to the physical and chemical properties and the proportional relationship between minerals in tailings.Suggestions for comprehensive utilization of various types of tailings are given.Comprehensive utilization can fully tap the secondary utilization potential of tailings, alleviate environmental pressure and realize the purposes of “environmental reconstruction” and “industrial regeneration”.


