The overburden fracture characteristics and strata pressure behavior law of the fully mechanized caving face in large dip angle are affected by factors such as large dip angle of inclination, “three soft” and other geological conditions, which are prone to problems such as support bottom drilling, coal wall instability and caving, roof leakage and collapse between supports, and support biting and falling, which seriously affect the safety production of the face.Taking the 5-101 fully mechanized caving face in Fenyuan Coal Industry as the research object, using the methods of physical similarity simulation experiment and field monitoring, this paper analyzes the characteristics of overburden rock movement and fracture, roof collapse step distance and strata pressure behavior law in the fully mechanized caving face in the highly inclined coal seam.The results show that the difference in the filling degree of gangue in the gob is uneven in the fully mechanized caving face with large inclination, the lower end is filled tightly, the basic roof forms a “inclined masonry” articulated structure, and the upper end basic roof, as a regular caving zone, falls with the advance of coal cutting, mostly in the form of suspended roof.The basic top extends directly above the working face, and delamination occurs.The amount of delamination in the upper area of the middle and lower part is greater than that in other areas.The roof fracture is inclined and undulating along the working face.The coal seam at the top of the fully mechanized caving face with large dip angle is soft, the hollow roof of the column behind the support appears seriously, and the overall pressure is low.During the normal push mining, the support is in a low resistance operation state for a long time.The frequency and intensity of roof pressure in different areas of the fully mechanized caving face with large dip angle are quite different.The frequency and intensity of roof pressure in both ends of the face are lower than that in the middle area.The ground pressure behavior of the face presents obvious “time space strength” asymmetric characteristics.