
    Research on the key technology of coal body fire prevention in the typical southwestern fault-fold belt of Ordos Basin

    • 摘要: 为解决鄂尔多斯盆地西南断褶带破碎煤体自然发火防治技术难题,本文以实验分析与现场应用相结合的方式,分析了水溶性单组分固体粉末新型防灭火材料在不同水料比条件下的防火特性,确定了煤自燃抑制过程的最佳浆液配比。研究结果表明,水料比为20∶1时,该材料防灭火性能最佳;现场应用期间,自燃隐患区域的CO浓度由146 ppm逐步降至6 ppm,煤体温度由82 ℃降至26 ℃,断褶带附近煤体自燃隐患得到有效遏制。本文研究成果的推广与应用,对断褶带附近破碎煤体自然发火防治具有一定的技术支撑。


      Abstract: In order to solve the technical problem of preventing and controlling the spontaneous combustion of broke coal body in the fault-fold belt in the southwest of the Ordos Basin, this paper combines the experimental analysis and field application to analyze the performance of new water-soluble single-component solid powder fire-fighting materials under different water-material ratio conditions.And determines the optimum slurry ratio for coal spontaneous combustion inhibition process.The research results show that when the water-material ratio is 20:1, the material has the best fire-fighting performance.During the field application, the CO concentration in the hidden spontaneous combustion area gradually decreased from 146 ppm to 6 ppm, and the coal temperature decreased from 82℃ to 26℃.The hidden danger of coal body spontaneous combustion near the fault-fold belt has been effectively curbed.The promotion and application of the research results in this paper have certain technical support for the prevention and control of spontaneous combustion of broken coal body near the fault-fold belt.


