
    Reasonable setting of end coal pillar width in Chuancaogedan Coal Mine

    • 摘要:

      在工作面开采的情况下,末采煤柱宽度的合理留设是保持巷道稳定的关键因素,合理的煤柱留设不仅可以有效提高煤炭资源的回收率,还可以维护大巷的稳定性。本文以串草圪旦煤矿6102工作面为研究对象,运用数值模拟和理论分析相结合的方式,对末采煤柱的留设尺寸进行研究,通过对煤柱进行极限平衡计算,确定合理的煤柱尺寸上下限在15.00~32.54 m之间,并结合数值模拟对末采煤柱宽度为30.0 m、25.0 m、22.5 m、20.0 m和15.0 m等5种方案的巷道围岩应力及塑性区分布状态进行研究,确定了末采煤柱宽度为23 m。此时工作面的超前支承应力对联络巷的影响较小,且煤柱内存在10 m左右的弹性核区,可保证煤柱的稳定性和阻止采空区内的瓦斯涌入联络巷内。研究成果成功应用于工程实践,为类似条件下煤柱留设提供了有益借鉴。



      In the case of working face mining, the reasonable setting of the end pillar width is the key factor to maintain the stability of the roadway.Reasonable setting of the pillar can not only effectively improve the recovery rate of coal resources, but also maintain the stability of the roadway.In this paper, 6102 working face of Chuancaogedan Coal Mine is taken as the research object, and the reserved size of the end coal pillar is studied by means of numerical simulation and theoretical analysis.Through the limit equilibrium calculation of the coal pillar, the reasonable upper and lower limits of the coal pillar size are determined to be between 15.00 m and 32.54 m.Combined with numerical simulation, and according to the stress and plastic zone distribution of roadway surrounding rock in five schemes, including 30.0 m, 25.0 m, 22.5 m, 20.0 m and 15.0 m, the width of the end coal pillar is determined to be 23 m.At this time, the advance support stress of the working face has little impact on the connecting roadway, and there is an elastic core area of about 10 m in the coal pillar, which can ensure the stability of the coal pillar and prevent the gas in the goaf from flowing into the connecting roadway.The research results have been successfully applied to engineering practice, which provides a useful reference for the retention of coal pillars under similar conditions.


