
    Suitability evaluation of soft thick coal seam mining method in Baode Coal Mine

    • 摘要:

      神东矿区在厚煤层开采时主要采用大采高一次采全高与放顶煤开采两种回采工艺,因其回采工艺的不同,对煤层的适应性也不同。本文以神东煤炭集团保德煤矿8#煤层为工程背景,在已经开采结束的多个工作面在采用大采高一次采全高与放顶煤开采期间,着重对矿压进行统计,结合类似矿井的矿压情况,分析得出大采高开采矿压大、易出现强矿压现象。对保德煤矿8#煤层未开采区,从煤层、构造、顶底板、回收率等多角度进行综合评价。研究结果表明:该煤层较厚度,煤厚变化明显,平均倾角9°,裂隙发育且煤质与顶板板软,这些条件有利于采用放顶煤开采;煤层中含夹矸层数多,但夹矸主要为泥岩,据以往经验,夹矸对放煤影响不大。同时, 对两种开采方法进行经济比较,若采用大采高开采,投入要远大于收益。因此,综合对比技术和经济方面,8#煤层未采工作面适宜采用放顶煤开采。



      Shendong Mining Area mainly adopts two kinds of recovery processes of large mining height primary mining and top coal mining when mining thick coal seams, because of its different recovery processes, the adaptability to coal seams is also different.This paper takes the 8# coal seam of Shendong Baode Coal Mine as the engineering background, and during the use of large mining height primary mining full height and top coal mining on multiple working surfaces that have been mined, focusing on the statistics of mine pressure, combined with the mine pressure of similar mines, the analysis of large mining high mining pressure is large, and strong ore pressure is prone to occur.For the unmined area of the 8# coal seam of Baode Mine, a comprehensive evaluation is carried out from multiple angles such as coal seam, structure, top bottom plate, recovery rate, and the evaluation results show that the thickness of the coal seam, the obvious change of coal thickness, the average inclination angle of 9°, the development of cracks and the softness of the coal quality and the top plate are conducive to the use of top coal mining.The number of coal seams contains a large number of intercalation layers, but the collusion is mainly mudstone, according to past experience, the collusion has little impact on coal release.At the same time, the two mining methods are economically compared, and if large mining and high mining are used, the input is much greater than the return.Comprehensive technology and economic comparison that the unmined working surface of the 8# coal seam is suitable for top coal mining.


