
    Benchmarking analysis on upstream sector of domestic and foreign oil companies

    • 摘要: 近年来,国际油价波动剧烈,低碳环保要求越来越严格,为石油公司的上游发展带来了严峻挑战,能源转型成为各大石油公司的必然选择。本文以埃克森美孚、英国石油公司(bp)、壳牌和中国石油、中国石化国内外五大石油公司为研究对象,构建了国内外石油公司上游板块对标体系,并对近年来各公司上游板块的关键指标变化趋势进行了对比分析,以期为国内石油公司上游板块的发展提出建议。


      Abstract: In recent years, the international oil price fluctuates sharply, and the requirements for low-carbon environmental protection are becoming more and more strict, which brings severe challenges to the upstream development of oil companies. Energy transformation has become an inevitable choice for major oil companies. This paper takes ExxonMobil, bp, Shell, PetroChina and Sinopec as the research objects, constructs the benchmarking system for the upstream sector of domestic and foreign oil companies, and compares and analyzes the change trend of key indicators of the upstream sector of each company in recent years, with a view to putting forward suggestions for the development of the upstream sector of domestic oil companies.


