
    Study on the carbon emission cycle of open-pit building material mines from the perspective of the “dual carbon”

    • 摘要: “双碳”目标的提出是我国生态文明建设的必然要求。露天建材矿山是建材产业原料的重要来源之一,同时也是建材行业碳源和潜在碳汇之一,分析露天建材矿山碳排放规律,对实现建材行业“双碳”目标具有重要意义。通过分析露天建材矿山碳排放要素,研究矿山生态系统碳汇能力和碳排放量,构建了露天建材矿山净碳排放量模型。露天建材矿山生态系统净碳排放量呈现先增后减的趋势,峰值一般出现在矿山服务期的中后期,峰值和达峰时间与矿山边坡占比呈负相关,零点一般在生态复绿阶段出现,此后进入负值阶段。根据矿山生态系统净碳排放量将矿山碳排放周期分为碳达峰、碳减排(含碳中和)以及碳归零三个阶段。结合鄂西某建材矿山验证了模型的适用性,研究成果对于研究建材行业碳排放具有一定的参考作用,同时对于露天建材矿山生态复绿、绿色矿山建设也有一定的指导作用。


      Abstract: The proposal of the “dual carbon” goal is an inevitable requirement for the construction of ecological civilization in China. Open-pit building material mines are the important source of building materials industry as well as the carbon sources and the potential carbon sinks. Analyzing the laws of carbon emission has the great significance of the realization of “dual carbon” goal. By the research on the carbon emission factors, the carbon sink capacity and carbon emissions are researched, the net carbon emissions model of open-pit building material mines is built as well. The net carbon emissions of open-pit building material mine ecosystem are increasing first and then decreasing, the peak value of carbon emission generally appears in the middle and late period of the mines service period, the peak value and peak time are negatively correlated with the proportion of mine slope, the zero point appears in the ecological greening stage, and then the carbon emission enters the negative value stage. According to the net carbon emission of mining ecosystems, the carbon emission cycle of mines is divided into three stages: carbon peak, carbon emission reduction(including carbon neutrality) and carbon zeroing. Combined with a building material mine in Western Hubei, the applicability of the model is verified. It has a certain reference role for the study of carbon emissions in the building materials industry. At the same time, it also could be a guiding role for ecological restoration and green mine construction of building materials mines.


