
    Study on the relationship between typical vegetation distribution, landform and groundwater in mining subsidence area

    • 摘要: 植被的生长与土壤水、地下水之间存在一定关系。为了研究大柳塔矿采煤沉陷区植被分布与地形地貌及地下水之间的影响变化关系,采用野外调查结合水文钻孔观测,统计分析了不同地形地貌植被分布特征,分析了沉陷区植被生长分布与地下水之间的影响关系。研究结果表明:植被随地形地貌变化呈非地带性分布,从山顶到山底、沟谷,植被过渡分带依次为草甸植被、灌草植被、乔草植被、水生植被,且山坡面植被的多样性最丰富。沉陷区覆岩移动及裂缝发育使得地下水受损,但对于绝大多数生态植被的生长发育在短期内无显著性影响,且裂缝发育对生态植被的破坏主要出现在裂缝边缘地带,使得植被根系阻断。沙柳、黑沙蒿、柠条、小叶杨、旱柳、芦苇、旋复花、菖蒲、大石灯芯草均与埋深在5 m范围内的地下水存在显著相关性:当地下水埋深介于10~15 m时,沙柳、柠条、小叶杨、旱柳与地下水呈显著相关性;当地下水埋深介于15~30 m时,只有小叶杨和旱柳与地下水呈显著相关性。当地下水埋深在30 m以下时,乔木、灌木、草本植被的丰度与地下水呈弱相关和极弱相关。采煤沉陷区植被与地形地貌及地下水之间存在着联动变化关系,这种变化关系对于深入研究采煤沉陷区生态自修复具有重要参考价值。


      Abstract: There is a certain relationship between vegetation growth and soil water and groundwater. In order to study the influence and change relationship between the vegetation distribution, landform and groundwater in Daliuta Mining Subsidence Area, based on the field survey and hydrological borehole observation, the distribution characteristics of vegetation in different landforms are analyzed, and the relationship between the vegetation growth and distribution in the subsidence area and groundwater is analyzed. The results show that the vegetation is distributed non zonally with the change of landform, from the top to the bottom of the mountain and the valley, the vegetation is divided into meadow vegetation, shrub grass vegetation, arbor grass vegetation and aquatic vegetation, and the diversity of vegetation on the hillside is the most abundant. Under the conditions of overburden movement and crack development, groundwater is damaged, but there is no significant impact on the growth and development of most ecological vegetation in a short period of time. The damage of crack development to ecological vegetation is mainly shown in the edge of the crack, which blocks the root system of vegetation. Salix psammophila, Artemisia argyi, Caragana korshinskii, Populus microphylla, Salix mandshurica, Phragmites communis, Convolvulus tomentosa, Acorus calamus, Juncus effusus have significant correlation with groundwater buried within 5 m: when the groundwater depth is between 10 and 15 m, Salix psammophila, Caragana korshinskii, Populus microphylla and Salix matsudana are significantly related to it; when the groundwater depth is between 15 and 30 m, only Populus microphylla and Salix matsudana show significant correlation with groundwater. When the groundwater depth is below 30 meters, the abundance of arbors, shrubs, and herbaceous vegetation is weakly or extremely weakly correlated with groundwater. There is a linkage relationship between vegetation, topography, and groundwater in subsidence areas, which has important reference value for in-depth research on ecological self restoration in coal mining subsidence areas.


