
    Research on fracture instability evolution mechanism of fractured rock mass on high and steep slopes based on MatDEM

    • 摘要:

      为解决高陡、含裂隙尾矿边坡在暴雨和持续强降雨时可能产生的重大危害问题,本文以江西省赣州市某尾矿边坡为计算模型的原型,建立高度为8.5 m,坡角为60°的二维边坡模型。基于MatDEM进行了含水率、位移变化、配位数以及单元速度的数值模拟,得到了位移场、水分场和裂隙演变规律。模拟结果显示:①降雨诱发滑坡的数值模拟模式可总结为“雨水入渗边坡和裂隙-边坡底部破坏-裂隙单元断开连接-边坡完全破坏”;②单元含水率变化受单元在边坡内部位置和含水率梯度等多项因素影响外,还主要受到裂隙对水分迁移的影响;③在高陡边坡滑落的整个过程中,发生移动的边坡单元总量一直稳定在一个区间内,没有发生较大变化。基于MatDEM对裂隙岩体失稳演化机制的研究可以很好地帮助预测和防范滑坡灾害,对实际生产有一定的指导作用。



      In order to solve the problems that may occur in high and steep tailings slope with cracks during rainstorm and continuous heavy rainfall, a tailings slope in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province is used as the prototype of the calculation model in this paper, and a two-dimensional slope model with a height of 8.5 meters and a slope angle of 60° is established.Based on MatDEM, numerical simulation of water content, displacement change, coordination number and unit velocity are carried out, and the evolution law of displacement field, water field and fracture are obtained.The simulation results show that the numerical simulation model of rainfall-induced landslide can be summarized as “rain Infiltration slopes and fissures-failure at the bottom of the slope-disconnection of the fracture elements-complete failure of the slope”.The change of unit water content is mainly affected by the influence of cracks on water migration in addition to many factors such as the location of the unit in the slope and the water content gradient.During the whole process of the high-steep slope sliding, the total amount of moving slope units has been stable within an interval without major changes.The research on the evolution mechanism of fracture rock mass instability based on MatDEM, could help predict and prevent landslide disasters very well, and has a certain guiding effect on actual production.


