Study on the effect and mechanism of Ca2+and Mg2+on galena flotation
尾矿废水回用导致浮选环境中引入难免离子, 改变矿物表面的物理化学性质, 对矿物浮选指标产生影响。为了探究Ca2+和Mg2+对方铅矿浮选的影响, 通过单矿物浮选实验、浮选溶液化学计算、方铅矿表面Zeta电位分析、XPS检测分析等方法研究了Ca2+和Mg2+对方铅矿浮选的影响规律及机理。实验结果表明:Ca2+和Mg2+均会对方铅矿浮选效果产生抑制作用, Ca2+浓度从0 mg/L增至250 mg/L, 方铅矿回收率降低了6.5%, 相同条件下Mg2+存在时, 方铅矿回收率降低了9%; 钙主要以Ca2+和CaOH+的形式吸附在方铅矿表面, CaOH+会与方铅矿表面部分S原子结合增强其表面疏水性, 从而降低方铅矿的上浮率; 而Mg2+在强碱性矿浆中使得方铅矿回收率下降的原因是Mg2+以氢氧化镁沉淀的形式吸附在方铅矿表面增强其疏水性, 且Ca2+和Mg2+均在方铅矿表面存在化学吸附。
Abstract:The recycling of tailings wastewater leads to the introduction of inevitable ions in the flotation environment, changes the physical and chemical properties of mineral surface, and affects the mineral flotation index.In order to explore the influence of Ca2+and Mg2+on galena flotation, the influence rule and mechanism of Ca2+and Mg2+on galena flotation are studied by single mineral flotation experiment, calculation of flotation solution chemistry, Zeta potential analysis of galena surface, XPS detection analysis and other methods.The results of single mineral flotation experiment show that both Ca2+and Mg2+can inhibit the flotation effect of galena.When Ca2+concentration increases from 0 mg/L to 250 mg/L, the recovery rate of galena decreases by 6.5%.Under the same conditions, the recovery rate of galena decreases by 9% when Mg2+exists.Calcium is mainly adsorbed on the surface of galena in the form of Ca2+and CaOH+, and CaOH+will bind with some S atoms on the surface of galena to enhance its surface hydrophobicity, thus reducing the floating rate of galena.The reason why Mg2+in the strong alkaline pulp reduces the recovery rate of galena is that Mg2+is adsorbed on the surface of galena in the form of magnesium hydroxide precipitation to enhance its hydrophobicity, and Ca2+and Mg2+are both chemically adsorbed on the surface of galena.