
    Research on quality evaluation method and application of power coal resources based on clustering algorithm

    • 摘要: 为了快速、准确评价淮南煤田动力用煤资源的等级,达到合理开发利用优质动力用煤资源的目的,基于淮南煤田钻孔煤质大数据库,选取8煤层作为研究对象,将煤的发热量、灰分、硫分、挥发分、软化温度和哈氏可磨性作为动力用煤资源质量评价的基础指标。基于GIS平台,利用ISODATA算法对研究区动力用煤资源进行聚类,深入挖掘煤质数据信息。结合熵权法确定出每一簇类评价指标的权重,通过综合指数法实现动力用煤资源优劣等级的划分。研究结果表明,淮南煤田8煤层动力用煤资源聚类可分为三类,第二簇类动力用煤资源质量最好,其次为第三簇类,第一簇类质量相对较差。其中,第二簇类中优质煤占比最多,第三簇类以中质煤为主,第一簇类则以中质煤、低质煤为主。这为今后淮南煤田动力用煤资源合理开发利用提供了技术指导,并拓展了煤田煤质数据库的利用方式。


      Abstract: In order to quickly and accurately evaluate the grade of power coal resources in the Huainan Coalfield and achieve the purpose of rational development and utilization of high-quality power coal resources, the No.8 coal seam is selected as the research object based on the coal quality database of drilling in the Huainan Coalfield, and the caloric value, ash, sulfur, volatile, softening temperature and Harlott grindability of coal are taken as the basic indexes for the quality evaluation of power coal resources. Based on GIS platform, the ISODATA algorithm is used to cluster power coal resources in the study area, and the coal quality data information is mined deeply. Combined with the entropy weight method, the weights of each cluster evaluation index are determined. Through the comprehensive index method, the quality grades of power coal resources are divided. The results show that the cluster of power coal resources from No.8 coal seam in the Huainan Coalfield can be divided into three categories, of which the second cluster has the best quality of power coal resources, followed by the third cluster, and the first cluster has relatively poor quality. The second cluster is dominated by high quality coal, the third cluster is dominated by medium quality coal, and the first cluster is dominated by medium and low quality coal. It provides technical guidance for the rational development and utilization of power coal resources in the Huainan Coafield in future, and expands the utilization of coal quality database in the coalfield.


