
    Influence of underground mining on surface open-pit in Dahongshan Iron Mine under the action of F2 fault control barrier effect

    • 摘要: 为了确保地表露天采场的稳定,采用FALC3D模拟研究深部北边受压矿体回采在F2断层的阻隔作用下对上部露天采场稳定性的影响,演绎了矿体开挖后上覆岩层塑性区的扩展范围。通过模拟结果和现场勘查表明:F2断层对两侧岩体的分离阻隔作用非常明显,北边地表塑性扰动区距离露采边坡顶部尚有超过70 m的安全距离;F2断层处以南岩层下沉塌陷位移越来越大,靠近北部露采边坡这一侧的岩层下沉变形很小。发展至今,地下开采引发的上覆岩层下沉冒落塌陷产生的危害始终未能越过F2断层对露天采场边坡造成影响,北部露采边坡目前是安全稳定的,说明F2断层对崩落塌陷区引发的地表开裂变形具有一定的阻隔效应,客观上还对露采上部边坡起到保护隔离作用。


      Abstract: In order to guarantee the stability of open-pit, FALC3D is used to simulate and investigate the influence of stoping the overlain deep orebody in the northern part on the stability of the upper open-pit under F2 fault barrier effect, and the expansion range of the plastic zone of overlying strata after the excavation of the orebody was deduced.The simulation results and the site survey indicate that F2 fault exerts obvious barrier effect on the rock mass of both sides, and the surface plasticity disturbance zone in the northern part is still more than 70 meters away from the top of the open-pit mining slope; the collapse displacement in the south of F2 fault becomes increasingly large, while the subsidence deformation of strata near the open-pit mining slope of the northern part is very small.Up to now, the damage caused by the subsidence and roof falling of the overlying strata due to underground mining has not exceeded the impact of F2 fault on the open-pit slope.And thus the northern open-pit slope is currently safe and stable, indicating that F2 fault, to some extent, exerts barrier effect on the ground cracking deformation caused by caving collapse zone and it objectively plays a role in protecting and isolating the upper slope of open-pit.


