Characteristics of global copper M&A and its implications on Chinese mining companies' capacity improvements of securing quality resources
摘要: 随着全球矿业公司规模不断壮大,并购作为国际矿业主要合作形式已成为高效整合资源,使企业实现跨越式发展并增强可持续发展能力的重要手段。通过全面梳理2001—2021年全球重大铜矿的主要并购交易,对全球铜并购交易规模数量、储量平均并购成本、并购主要市场特点及我国矿企表现等进行分析。研究结果表明,近20年的交易记录显示全球优质铜矿项目的新发现和开发难度逐步加大,再加上整个行业对铜的预期普遍看好,未来铜并购竞争将变得更加激烈;在并购有利时机出现前,应制定清晰的铜资源获取战略,组建专业团队充分练好自身内功、配备充足的财务资源,持续关注符合公司战略的潜在机会并择机实施并购,久久为功;应加强海外矿业资产专业化整合,积极呼吁和推动与有实力企业进入全球铜业公司的第一阵营,打造具有全球竞争力的世界一流矿业集团,切实提升我国企业铜资源供应保障能力。Abstract: Given the ever growing size of global miners, the M&A(merger and acquisition) as a primary collaborative form of global miners is increasingly becoming a critical instrument to integrate the resources and lead to leapfrog development and sustainability of miners.Based on major transactions over last two decades, analyzed and investigated the number and volume of copper transactions, average copper reserves acquisition cost as well as performance of Chinese miners concurrently.The primary findings set out as follows, due to the scarcity of new major discoveries and challenges of delivering greenfield projects, coupled with unanimously positive outlook of copper commodity in the future, the copper M & A markets could become extremely competitive.Secondly, copper miners should come up with clear acquisition strategy and examine potential opportunities constantly which aligned with its strategy, while the robust human resources and financial resources should be readily prepared prior to the opportunity showing up.Thirdly, in order to create a worldclass Chinese mining corporation with global competitiveness, the comprehensive consolidation of overseas quality coppers assets should be considered to better serve the mineral resources security of China.