
    Construction and application of lockout and tagout process in device maintenance operations

    • 摘要: 装置检修存在安全风险高的特点,容易发生安全事故。针对装置检修作业过程中人的不安全行为导致危险能量源意外释放的情况,建立并实施了上锁挂牌作业流程,有效地控制了装置检修作业过程中危险能量原的释放,为检修作业创造了一个安全的作业环境,本质上保护检修人员的人身安全。


      Abstract: Device maintenance has the characteristic of high safety risks and is prone to safety accidents.In response to the situation where unsafe human behavior during device maintenance operations leads to accidental release of hazardous energy sources, a lock out and tag out operation process has been established and implemented, effectively controlling the release of hazardous energy sources during device maintenance operations, creating a safe working environment for maintenance operations and essentially protecting the personal safety of maintenance personnel.


