
    Research and application of stormwater network modification of closed pond tailings pond based on ArcGIS and SWMM

    • 摘要: 铝工业排泥库库泥级配以细黏粒为主,目前通过单一管井排出地表水,降雨后地表积水不能及时排出,雨水下渗影响库泥固结,成为天然泥石流风险源。本文以广西百色某排泥库为研究区,构建库区SWMM模型,模拟不同重现期降雨情景,对库区现有排水管井系统进行分析,并重新设计库区排水系统,通过模型优化改进排水系统。研究结果表明:通过参数校准后模型径流系数为0.683,Nash-sutcliffe系数为0.833,构建的模型能够反映现库区水文特性。目前,排水系统排水能力较弱,不同重现期降雨情景下超过85%的管道和节点均发生了超载,且超载时长在7 h以上。针对性进行超载管道改进,改进后不同重现期降雨情景下的节点和管道的超载率、超载时长大幅下降;库面洪峰流量减少约58%,洪峰提前约35 min,库面积水量削减约30%,积水时间下降约3.5 h,库区的排水能力大幅提升,减少积水对库泥积水的影响,为类似工程水文计算提供新手段。


      Abstract: Aluminum industry sludge tailings pond has a sludge type dominated by fine-grained silt, and currently disposes surface water through a single pipeline. After the rainfall, the surface water cannot be timely discharged, which affects the solidification of the pond sludge and becomes a natural mudslide risk source. Guangxi Baise tailings pond is selected as the study area, combined with local geographical conditions and waterlogging characteristics. Builded the SWMM model of the pond area, calculated the flood volume in the pond, and carried out the drainage design for the pond area. The results show that the model runoff coefficient after parameter calibration is 0.683, and the Nash-sutcliffe coefficient is 0.833, indicating that the model has high accuracy. The preliminary design of the pipeline is not applicable to the drainage design of the pond area according to the current specifications, resulting in over 85% of the pipelines and nodes being overloaded under different return periods of rainfall, with an overload duration of about 7 hours or more. Targeted overloaded pipe improvements have resulted in significant reductions in overloading rates and duration of overloading for nodes and pipes under different recurrence periods of rainfall. The peak flow on the reservoir surface has decreased by about 58%, the flood peak has been advanced by about 35 minutes, the water volume on the pond area has been reduced by about 30%, and the ponding time has decreased by about 3.5 hours. The drainage capacity of the pond area has significantly improved. Realized the modeling and calculation of the hydrology of the closed pond and mud discharge pond basin, providing a new method for similar engineering hydrological calculations.


