
    Study on energy distribution of blasting vibration signals in Pulang Copper Mine based on wavelet transform algorithm

    • 摘要: 小波变换算法能够对爆破振动信号的频率、能量分布特征进行研究,按照不同的主振频带对爆破振动信号进行分解及重构,已被广泛应用于爆破振动稳定性分析以及矿山安全生产管理。针对在矿山复杂条件下爆破振动信号易受干扰等问题,以普朗铜矿南部拉底爆破振动数据为研究对象,采用小波变换算法分析振动信号0~125 Hz各个频率段能量分布情况,通过HHT算法、STFT算法分别对爆区近区、爆区远区开展能量分布及其衰减规律的研究。研究结果表明:在0~125 Hz频率段范围内,爆区近区和爆区远区能量衰减速度和分布不同,爆区近区能量主振频率分布在15.62~<31.20 Hz频率段,爆区远区能量主振频率分布在46.87~<93.75 Hz频率段。在15.62~<31.20 Hz频率段,爆区近区比爆区远区能量占比平均多出14.1%;在46.87~<93.75 Hz频率段,爆区远区比爆区近区能量占比平均多出18.65%。基于本次爆破施工所监测到的普朗铜矿南部巷道区域爆破振动数据得出,在0~125 Hz频率段范围内,爆区近区能量衰减速度较快且能量分布不集中,爆区远区能量衰减速度较为缓慢且能量分布密集;爆破振动能量随着传播距离增加,能量虽有所衰减,但能量分布更为集中。分析结果表明,小波变换算法可以真实反映振动信号的能量分布情况,为研究爆破振动效应下的井下构筑物的结构安全提供有效的分析手段。


      Abstract: The wavelet transform algorithm is capable of analyzing the frequency and energy spread of explosive vibration signals, and can break down and rebuild these signals based on various primary frequency bands. This method is extensively applied in analyzing the stability of blasting vibrations and managing mine safety production. Addressing the issue of the mine’s complex conditions making the blasting vibration signal easily disruptive, the wavelet transform algorithm is employed to examine the energy distribution in each frequency band of the 0-125 Hz vibration signal, focusing on blasting vibration data from southern part of Pulang Copper Mine. The HHT algorithm and the STFT algorithm are employed to analyze the energy distribution and attenuation law in areas of near and far blasting, respectively. Findings indicate variations in the rate and spread of energy attenuation between the near and far zones within the 0-125 Hz frequency spectrum. In the near zone, the primary vibrational frequency of the energy falls between 15.62 and <31.20 Hz, while in the far zone, it ranges from 46.87 to <93.75 Hz. Within the frequency range from 15.62 to <31.20 Hz, the energy ratio in the near zone surpasses that in the far zone by 14.1%, and in the frequency range from 46.87 to <93.75 Hz, it exceeds that of the near zone by 18.65%. The analysis of blasting vibration data from the roadway in southern part of Pulang Copper Mine, observed through this blasting method, reveals that within the 0-125 Hz frequency spectrum, the energy reduction rate near the blasting zone is rapid and dispersed, whereas in the distant zone, it’s gradual and compact. As the propagation distance grows, the energy from blasting vibrations lessens, yet the energy distribution becomes more focused. Findings from the analysis indicate that the wavelet transform algorithm accurately mirrors the energy spread of vibrational signals, offering a robust analytical approach for examining the structural integrity of subterranean structures when subjected to blasting vibrations.


