
    Characteristics analysis of iron tailings and current status and prospects of its utilization technology

    • 摘要: 铁尾矿是我国矿山固废体量最大的组成部分,目前仍面临着综合利用率低、产品附加值不高等问题。由于不同类型矿山尾矿的特性差异较大,且不同应用领域对原料的要求也不相同,因此,有必要对铁尾矿的原料特性及利用技术进行概括,并对该领域的发展前景进行评估,为铁尾矿和其他大宗固废的合理化利用提供借鉴。本文首先分析了我国不同地区、不同矿种以及不同选矿工艺排放尾矿的特性差异,包括元素组成、有价组分以及粒度等。其次从大宗利用和高值化应用两个方面对铁尾矿利用技术现状进行了概括。铁尾矿的大宗利用技术包括尾矿再选和制备建筑材料等,其中尾矿再选以提取铁精矿、有价金属元素以及高品质非金属矿为主。铁尾矿作为建材原料时,其应用方向可以概括为胶结型材料、烧结型建材以及熔制型材料,高值化应用以制备功能性非金属矿物材料为主。选矿工艺、设备以及人工智能等新技术的发展,对提高尾矿品质具有重要作用。在上游提高铁尾矿品质的同时,通过产业链上下游协同攻关,根据不同分选工艺排放铁尾矿的特性差异,进行针对性的应用研究,将有望真正解决铁尾矿高附加值利用不高的问题。


      Abstract: Iron tailings are the largest component of solid waste in China, and currently face problems such as low comprehensive utilization rate and low added value of products. Due to the significant differences in the characteristics of tailings from different types of mines and the varying requirements for raw materials in different application fields, it is necessary to summarize the raw material characteristics and application technologies of iron tailings, and to evaluate the development prospects of this field, providing reference for the rational utilization of iron tailings and other bulk solid waste. Firstly, analyzes the differences in the characteristics of tailings discharged from different regions, minerals, and beneficiation processes in China, including elemental composition, valuable components, and particle size. Then, the current status of iron tailings application technology is summarized from two aspects: bulk utilization and high-value application. The bulk utilization technology of iron tailings includes tailings re-selection and preparation of building materials, among which tailings re-selection mainly focuses on extracting iron concentrate, valuable metal elements, and high-quality non-metallic minerals. When iron tailings are used as building materials, their application directions can be summarized as cementitious materials, sintered building materials, and melted materials. High value applications mainly focus on the preparation of functional non-metallic mineral materials. The development of new technologies such as mineral processing technology, equipment, and artificial intelligence plays an important role in improving the quality of tailings. At the same time as improving the quality of iron tailings upstream, through collaborative research between upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, targeted application research will be conducted based on the differences in the characteristics of iron tailings discharged by different sorting processes, which is expected to truly solve the problem of low utilization of high added value of iron tailings.


