
    Research progress, hot spots and trends of post-mining landscape reuse in China from the perspective of “production-living-ecological” spaces

    • 摘要: 采矿迹地再利用是推进资源型地区高质量发展的重要组成部分,也是实现新时期生态文明建设的必然要求。本文运用CiteSpace文献计量方法,以“采矿迹地再利用”知识谱系框架为主题,筛选中国知网(CNKI)数据库近30年的442篇相关研究文献,从研究时间、作者及发文机构、热点内容与前沿趋势对已有研究进行梳理,并立足“三生”空间视角进行归纳和总结。研究结果表明:①国内采矿迹地再利用关注度较强,各研究方向之间联系日渐紧密,研究机构之间网络体系趋向成熟,发展已进入平稳期。②“三生”空间视角下,围绕生产空间的土地复垦、生态园区建设、接续替代产业发展;生活空间维度的低效用地开发、产业“退二进三”;生态空间维度的生态修复、湿地公园建设等当前研究的主流开始呈现跨学科的纵深发展。③后续采矿迹地再利用的研究已逐步转向资源价值的再认识、资源型地区城乡融合发展与“三生”融合下的区域生态安全格局构建。该研究可为采矿迹地再利用与社会、经济、生态协调发展提供借鉴。


      Abstract: The reuse of post-mining landscapes is a crucial component in promoting high-quality development in resource-based regions and is an inevitable requirement for achieving ecological civilization in the new era. This paper using CiteSpace bibliometric analysis, focuses on the knowledge framework of “post-mining landscapes reuse”. It sifts through 442 relevant research papers from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) database over the past 30 years, examining aspects like research time, authors and publishing institutions, hot topics, and emerging trends. Grounded in the perspective of the “production-living-ecological” spaces, the research categorizes and summarizes the literature. The results show that the strong domestic attention to post-mining landscapes reuse, increasing connections among research directions, maturing network systems among research institutions, and stable development. Within the “production-living-ecological” spaces perspective, interdisciplinary research is deepening, focusing on land reclamation in production space, ecological park construction, and the development of alternative industries; inefficient land development in living space, and a shift in industries; mainstream studies in ecological space, such as ecological restoration and wetland park construction. Subsequent research on post-mining landscapes reuse is shifting towards reevaluating resource value, the integrated development of urban and rural areas in resource-based regions, and the construction of regional ecological security patterns under the integration of the “production-living-ecological” spaces. This study serves as a reference for the coordinated development of post-mining landscapes reuse with societal, economic, and ecological aspects.


