
    Overview of dispersed metals resources in China

    • 摘要: 中国稀散金属资源丰富,在全球占有重要的战略地位。对中国542处矿产地(包括759个矿床/点)的稀散金属资源调查数据分析表明,目前中国已查明稀散金属资源储量102.82万t,其中,镓矿44.65万t,锗矿1.39万t,铟矿2.52万t,铊矿2.96万t,镉矿47.12万t,硒矿2.56万t,碲矿1.53万t,铼矿893.00 t。中国稀散金属资源具有如下特征:①分布广泛,但主要集中在西南地区、中南地区和华北地区,云南、河南、广西、内蒙古、山西、贵州、广东等是稀散金属资源较丰富的省(区);②独立矿床极少,但资源储量占到全国稀散金属资源总量的6.64%;③矿床规模以中、小型为主,但大型矿床和超大型矿床资源储量占全国稀散金属资源总量的80%以上;④主要伴生在铅锌多金属矿、铝土矿和煤矿中,3类矿床中的稀散金属资源储量占全国稀散金属资源总量的80%左右;⑤总体综合利用率较低。中国镓、锗、铊资源的储备充足,但硒、碲、铼、铟、镉资源相对缺乏。


      Abstract: China has abundant dispersed metals resources and occupies an important strategic position in the world. The survey data from 542 mining areas (including 759 mineral deposits/points) in China shows that China has identified 1.0282 million tons of dispersed metals resource reserves, including 446 500 tons of gallium, 13 900 tons of germanium, 25 200 tons of indium, 29 600 tons of thallium, 893 tons of rhenium, 471 200 tons of cadmium, 25 600 tons of selenium, and 15 300 tons of tellurium. China’s dispersed metals resources have the following characteristics: ①widely distributed, but mainly concentrated in the Southwest China, Central Southern China, and North China. Yunnan Province, Henan Province, Guangxi Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Shanxi Province, Guizhou Province and Guangdong Province are rich in dispersed metals resources; ②there are very few independent dispersed metals deposits, but the resource reserves is 6.64% in the total dispersed metals resources resource reserves in China; ③the scale of dispersed metals deposits is mainly small and medium-sized, but the resources reserves in large and ultral large mineral deposits is more than 80% in the total resources reserves in China; ④the dispersed metals mainly associated with lead-zinc polymetallic mines, bauxite mines, and coal mines, the dispersed metal resources reserves in the three types of mineral deposit is about 80% in the total dispersed metals resources reserves in China; ⑤the overall comprehensive utilization rate is relatively low. Gallium, germanium, and thallium resources reserves is sufficient, but selenium, tellurium, rhenium, indium, cadmium resources reserves are relatively scarce in China.


