
    Analysis of cadmium resources status and trade pattern in global

    • 摘要: 镉作为一种稀散金属,既是传统工业中重要的原料,又是对战略新兴产业发展至关重要的新型材料。本文围绕全球镉资源的分布、生产、消费、价格及回收利用等基本情况进行了论述,并采用复杂网络方法探讨了全球镉资源贸易格局。研究发现全球镉储量和产量虽然分布集中,但储产分离现象较为显著,中国在全球镉储量和产量方面占据首位。全球镉产量受环境保护政策的影响增速缓慢,作为全球第一产镉大国,近年来中国镉产量占全球产量的40%左右。全球镉消费结构从电池、颜料、稳定剂、涂料等传统领域向珠宝合金、太阳能薄膜、红外设备和核工业等战略新兴产业延伸。消费国家也从比利时、日本等发达国家向印度、中国转移,近年来中国镉消费量一直位居全球首位。镉价格近年来逐步上涨,主要受碲化镉太阳能电池等战略新兴产业需求增加的影响。尽管镍镉电池的回收率较高,但随着替代品的出现,部分镉产品可能会从回收循环中消失。受其环境污染特性的限制,预计未来镉在传统领域的消费占比将进一步降低。全球参与镉贸易的国家呈下降趋势,但处于网络之中的贸易量相对增加,主要进出口国家集中度较高。贸易地位从比利时、法国、中国、德国等国家逐渐向中国、韩国、日本、印度等亚洲国家转变,其中印度作为新兴的镉贸易国,对全球镉贸易格局将产生重要影响。


      Abstract: Cadmium, as a rare metal, serves as both a vital raw material in traditional industries and a crucial new material for the development of strategic emerging sectors. This paper discusses the basic situation of cadmium resources in global, including distribution, production, consumption, price, and recycling, and explores the cadmium resources trade pattern in global using complex network methods. The research reveals that although cadmium reserves and production in global are concentrated, there is a significant separation between reserves and production, with China leading in both aspects. Cadmium production in global has been growing slowly due to environmental protection policies, with China accounting for approximately 40% of the production in global in recent years as the leading cadmium producer. The consumption structure of cadmium globally has shifted from traditional fields such as batteries, pigments, stabilizers, and coatings to strategic emerging fields like jewelry alloys, thin-film solar cells, infrared devices, and the nuclear industry. Consumer countries have also shifted from developed countries like Belgium and Japan to emerging economies such as India and China, with China consistently ranking first in cadmium consumption in global in recent years. The price of cadmium has been gradually rising, mainly due to increased demand from strategic emerging fields such as cadmium telluride solar cells. Despite the high recycling rate of nickel-cadmium batteries, some cadmium products may gradually disappear from the recycling loop with the emergence of substitutes. Due to its environmental pollution characteristics, the proportion of consumption in traditional fields is expected to further decrease in the future. The participation of countries in global cadmium trade is declining, but the volume of trade within the network is relatively increasing, with a high concentration of major importers and exporters. The trading status is shifting from countries like Belgium, France, China, and Germany to Asian countries such as China, South Korea, Japan, and India, with India emerging as an important player of cadmium trade pattern in global .


