
    Stability analysis of powered support and its control technology in pitching oblique working face

    • 摘要: 本文针对重庆地区逢春煤矿S2611急倾斜薄煤层工作面开采难题,建立了工作面支架下滑、倾倒的失稳模型,分析了煤层倾角、支架自重、工作阻力等影响因素与支架下滑、倾倒安全系数之间的关系。以此提出了采用俯伪斜布置的走向长壁综合机械化采煤法,并研制了适用于这种开采条件的ZJY2400/8.5/15.5型液压支架,计算得到ZJY2400/8.5/15型液压支架的下滑、倾倒安全系数均大于1。在此基础上,提出了在支架顶梁上安装防倒装置,在支架底座上安装防滑装置,在支架顶梁和掩护梁上安装活动侧护板,在支架底座上侧安装底调装置及改变支架的移架方式等技术措施,可以防止工作面生产过程中支架下滑和倾倒,有利于提高工作面支架的整体稳定性。


      Abstract: Aiming at the mining problems of S2611 steep seam working face in Fengchun coal mine in Chongqing,the relationship between the factors such as coal seam inclination,support weight,working resistance and the support slipping,dumping safety coefficient is analyzed by establishing working face support instability model.The oblique arrangement of mechanized longwall mining method is put forward,and the ZJY2400/8.5/15 type hydraulic support which is suitable for the mining conditions is developed.And calculate the ZJY2400/8.5/15.5 type hydraulic support slipping,dumping safety coefficient is more than 1.On this basis,it is proposed to install antiskid device on the set collar,install tilting prevention device on support base,install side protecting plate on support set collar and caving shield,install the bottom adjustment device upside the support base,change the support frame transfer method and other technical measures to prevent the support from slipping and dumping for improving the overall stability of the working face supports.


