
    Experimental study on the separation of phosphate rock byteetered bed separator

    • 摘要: 文中分析了我国丰富的磷矿资源及传统的分选磷矿方法,阐述了研究干扰床分选机分选磷矿的规律具有重要意义,研究设计了试验室干扰床分选机分选系统,试验采用宜昌某磷矿原矿中0~3.0 mm粒度的粗矿泥进行试验研究,分析了干扰床分选机分选磷矿的规律,找出了分选最佳工况点并进行了对比曲线分析,论证了显著的经济效益和广阔的市场前景。


      Abstract: The paper analyzed the rich phosphate rock resources and the traditional methods for phosphate flotation in China, elaborated the important significanceof separating bed phosphate by separating bed separator.It designed a test bed separation system.The test was executed by the coarse granularity of 0-3.0mm Yichang Phosphorite Ore slime in experimental study.It analyzed the rule of separating phosphate ore by teetered bed separator.The optimum working point of sorting was found and the contrast curve analysis was carried out.It demonstrated significant economic benefits and broad market prospects.


