Technology system and method of biodiversity restoration for the reclamation of opencast coal mine:a case study from the dumps in Pingshuo mine
摘要: 生物多样性为人类提供了丰富的生活资源和必要的生存环境。煤矿露天开采造成矿区生态环境破坏及生物多样性丧失,但目前尚未形成基于生物多样性恢复的土地复垦技术体系。为加速矿区生物多样性恢复,提高复垦生态系统稳定性,本研究以黄土丘陵区平朔露天煤矿为例,总结现有土地复垦经验,根据生物多样性恢复的基本方法,尝试从矿区生境再造和景观格局优化两方面探讨生物多样性恢复的技术与方法。研究结果表明:生境再造与景观格局优化是矿区生物多样性恢复的重要手段;优化排土场平台、边坡形态,提倡建立仿自然地貌;采用有利于土壤生物多样性恢复的土壤重构技术;进行植被重建是矿区生物多样性恢复的重要环节,并为其他生态因子恢复提供生境;建立生态源地和生态廊道;实施生态农业生产方式,进行生态农业景观结构优化。Abstract: Biodiversity provides us with the living resources and environment.However,opencast mining damages the ecological systems and biodiversity,and technology related to biodiversity was scarce in land reclamation.In order to accelerate biodiversity restoration and improve the stability of mine land reclamation ecological system,we attempted to propose biodiversity restoration technology from mining habitat reconstruction and landscape pattern optimization based on empirical technology and biodiversity restoration methods and Pingshuo opencast coal mine was taken as the example.The results showed that:habitat reconstruction and landscape structure optimization were important means to recovery biodiversity;the optimization of platform and slope of dumps promoted biodiversity;the applying of implements of soil and vegetation reconstruction and optimization of mine landscape structure could also improved biodiversity.In addition,the establishment of ecological source and ecological corridor were necessary.Due to the proportion of reclaimed cropland is large,the implementation of ecological agriculture mode and agricultural ecological landscape structure optimization should also be adopted.