
    The problems and solution of the construction of green mine in the new normal

    • 摘要: 本文分析了当前我国新常态下经济、法制、环境、社会等各方面的转变和调整对矿业发展的影响,提出了建设绿色矿山、发展绿色矿业是我国矿业的唯一出路。当前我国绿色矿山建设面临了创建的绿色矿山单位较少、绿色矿山标准体系不完善、配套支持政策不明确、管理职能部门不协调等问题,针对面临的问题提出了三条解决途径:①建立完善的国家级绿色矿山标准体系;②继续推进绿色矿山的创建;③制定相应的财税政策支持绿色矿山建设。


      Abstract: This paper analyses the influences on development of the mining in the process of the changing and adjustment in economy, politics, society and environment, which suggests that constructing green mine and developing green mining is the only way to solve the problems in Chinese mining. At present, there are a lot of problems in the construction of green mine in China, such as a little green mines, an imperfect standard, imprecision supporting regulation, less coordinated between management departments and so forth. This paper put forward to solve the above problems: laying down perfect national green mine standard system; continuing to push the establishment of green mines; making the financial and taxation policies that support the construction of green mine.


