
    Evaluation and utilization of the comprehensive exploration of coexisting and accompanying minerals in coal-bearing rock series in Jungarian coal field

    • 摘要: 本文论述了中央地质勘查基金全额投资的内蒙古自治区准格尔煤田布尔陶亥-田家石畔地段煤炭普查项目在进行煤炭地质勘查的同时,重点对煤层及含煤地层中共伴生有益矿产进行了综合勘查及评价,探获煤炭资源量为378.26亿t,估算煤灰中铝(Al2O3)资源量为15.81亿t,煤灰及夹矸中镓、锂资源量分别为31.61万t和145.38万t,夹矸中高岭土资源量为75.30亿t。分析了煤系共伴生有益矿产资源综合利用现状,指出了共伴生有益矿产资源综合利用的意义以及存在的问题,并对准格尔煤田下一步的开发提出了合理化建议。


      Abstract: The project of coal prospecting in Bu’ertaohai-Tianjiashipanzone,Jungarian coal field,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,sponsored by the Central Geological Exploration Fund Management Center,was reviewed in this paper.Carrying out the general geological coal survey,we focused on exploration and evaluation of the coexisting and accompanying minerals reservedin coal-bearing rock series.It was found that the resources of following minerals are as:coal 37.826 billion ton,alumina (Al2O3) in coal ash 1.581 billion ton,gallium,lithium in coal ash and coal gangue 316.1 thousand,1453.8 thousand ton respectively,kaolin in coal gangue 7.53 billion ton.In this paper was discussed also the current status of comprehensive utilization of these minerals,pointed out its significance and existing problems,and proposed a solution for further development of Jungarian coal field.


