
    The realization and application of virtual reality technology in geological science popularization

    • 摘要: 科普工作在提高公民科学素质和推进社会科技发展方面发挥着重要作用。本文主要论述了虚拟现实技术的特点以及其在地质科普方面应用的可行性,详细介绍了三维全景技术和三维建模技术这两种虚拟现实技术在地质科普中实现过程,展示了虚拟展馆的这一应用实例,认为虚拟现实技术可以增强地质科学的吸引力和普及率,不断推动传统的科普手段升级与更迭。


      Abstract: Popularization of science to improve the quality of science of citizens.this paper discourses the characters of VR (Virtual Reality) technology and the possibility of its application in geological science popularization, gives the detail procedure and describes one example about Virtual Pavilion, we believe that virtual reality technology can enhance the attractiveness and popularity of geological science.


